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Star Coffee



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    Kayleigh Howse img 1

    Customers and staff have no respect for the residents who live above the shop. The customers and staff threaten the residents, smoke weed outside the only fire exit door the residents have. Constantly loud and allows there customers outside to have there music from there cars on full blast that disturbs the children who live above the shop. NEEDS CLOSING DOWN.

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    Stuart Phelps img 5

    It's simple - next time you want a cup if coffee and you are in the area, try them.

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    Kimberley Moore Davis img 1

    I have never been in here, the flats next door have had alot of problems with abuse, weed smoking and rubbish from their customers.

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    Abdiqani Osman img 5

    Great place. Best local coffie shop

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    AK47 Omar img 5

    Very nice coffee and cheep so I will recommend to very 1